Saturday, April 16, 2016

Disney purchase of Star Treck

Image result for star wars memesDisney have announced purchase of Star Trek:

 Mr. Sulu was not able to guide the Star Trek franchise out of Disney clutches; as the company adds another franchise to its collection. Disney now owns Marvel, Star Trek, Star Wars, and news providers such as ABC, ESPN, and more.

It is believed that a cross over is in the Disney plans for the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises. Very little is know at this time with hits that the setting will happen still a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away. But will have the crew of the Enterprise end up there thanks to the force.

This has lead to violence on the streets with many tens of die hard fans coming out to defend their franchise and hopefully to prevent Disney from making this move. A photo of the violence is posted here. It is apparent that this violence needs to stop and Disney is our only hope to save the lives of tens of lonely diehard fans on both sides of this long time struggle.

Disney responded with "Nuq reH wIneH, wIlo'bogh Hoch nI' Hoch Huch chenmoH maH" chosing to use their new acquired language (Klingon) or "we will do what ever we want, as long as we make MONEY " in English. It is obvious that Disney will not stop until they achieve their goal of total world domination.  


  1. Maybe Disney will take over the world instead of Google...I feel like they are going to battle it out for world domination.

    1. I dunno, Facebook has that whole "neo-colonialism" thing going for them...
