There has been an increase of arrest in
London for mean, aggressive, or anxiety inducing messages of social media. Not only can almost anyone be arrested for just about anything that is upsetting to someone else such as face book post, tweets, or even sharing a controversial story. All of these can now land someone with six months behind bars, of a fine up to 5,500. This is very different than what we have here in the USA.
However is it better?
I think to some degree it allows people to be punished for cyber bullying as they would have been if they went up to someone and said it to their face. But I think that this takes away a great deal of someones right (at least here) to free speech. Part of the internet and what makes it so powerful is that people are able to voice their opion on line, and if they can be punished for hurting someones feelings than it opens up everything. Just think with our presidential campaign and how some people have called supporting Trump racist and a kin to a hate crime. Although these people have a right to say what ever they say, they also need to respect the right of the other side. Being able to put people in jail just for saying something that you disagree with, because it hurt your feelings just seems wrong.
We have the right to free speech but not to avoid hurt feelings.